Saturday, July 7, 2012

Poffertjes! A metric f$%kton of little pancakes...

So I've been staring at a poffertje pan that I bought some time ago. And every time I open the cupboard, my line of sight goes directly to a packet of poffertje mix that I found in the supermarket soon after buying the pan.....

Photo: Penny Williams
I had some doubts that my little stove top could actually heat up the big cast iron pan,  so I kept putting the project off and off yet again....

This afternoon I finally decided to make up the packet. I chose to do it this afternoon  so there would be no time pressures - no one waiting on dessert or breakfast!

Seems simple enough - all that is required aside from the packet mix and the pan was 2 eggs, 3 tablespoons milk and 800ml of milk.....wait....That seems like  a lot. But then....there was a lot of mixture. Then, I decided I'd make this a packet mix review and soldiered on....
Photo: Penny Williams

Here is the mix after adding all the ingredients -  seems pretty much like pancake mix from what I can see...but no need to leave it to let the gluten soften (but then, you don't need to do that with packet pancake mixes either..)

Photo: Penny Williams

I oiled up the pan (as above) with a spray on oil... and proceeded to start the process of cooking...

Photo: Penny Williams

And was still going much much later.... the entire packet took forever! Above is a picture of the process. Much to my surprise, the entire pan actually managed to heat up (though I did notice there seemed to be 3 distinct zones of "hot". The middle of the pan obviously heated up very quickly, the left side went medium speed and the right side was very slow. But I guess that is mostly dependant on your particular stove top.

Assistant chef (or he was just waiting to be fed...)
Photo: Penny Williams
 And finally.....a metric f&^kton of poffertjes. Way more than the 2 of us could eat!

Photo: Penny Williams
But, you know - we have managed to put a decent dent in them. Toppings we used were cinnamon sugar and cream; also lemon, sugar and butter - but there's whole world of other fillings out there - just put it in your favourite search engine! They can be savoury as well - at at the moment I have a particularly sweet tooth!

I'd probably not bother buying the packet mix in future - I'd just make a standard pancake mix, perhaps with a bit of extra sugar or buttermilk for a bit of extra zing. The tiny little poffertjes take a fair amount of time, but if you have it (the time, I mean!) I'd recommend this for a bit of fun....It did get quicker as I went through (as the process got easier) so I daresay that it would be quicker next time (oh, and I wouldn't make so damn many...)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Current obsession: Doughnuts!

These look amazing (of course, the ricotta part will have to wait, but the lemon cream....yum!)

But you know.... I just can't stand deep frying things. I cannot stand the fact that my kitchen smells like oil for days after, my clothes, hair etc all stink of oil afterward as well.....

Perhaps if I got a deep fryer instead of using a deep saucepan and oil, things would go easier, but that goes against my stance against buying uni-tasker items...

So I'm in a quandry. But thinner for it, at easy way to make doughnuts at home would make me very large indeed..